Useful links and files for students

Useful Links


Use this link to check if you have a USI, apply for one, reset your password, or view your VET Transcript.

High Risk Work Licence Applications

Use this link to apply for a High Risk Work Licence (HRWL), renew or replace an existing HRWL, update your details on your licence, or add a class to your existing licence.


Use this link to read up on all the qualifications we offer or check our registered training organisation approval.

Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business & Training

Use this link to find out more about apprenticeships, traineeships, future skills fund, career paths and training.

Work Health and Safety Queensland and Workcover Queensland

Use this link to find out more about Work Health and Safety laws, licencing, safety, prevention, insurance, claims, and guidance.

Safe Work Australia

Use this link for safe work codes of practice, guidance materials, WHS data, resources, and more.

High Risk work licensing LINKs

Interstate High Risk Work Licence Applications

Apply for a QLD HRWL


Use this link to find out the current fees to obtain a HRWL.


Student and Apprentice Information Handbook


This information is provided for students to ensure they have comprehensive information regarding the obligations of Pro-Lift Training & Assessment Services in relation to training and assessment, and the obligations of the student in relation to the RTO and their study.

Student Complaints / Appeals

This form is to be used in the event you wish to make a complaint or appeal a decision.

Terms of Trade

Terms of Trade

This document contains the terms and conditions for any person or company registering for a training course with Pro-Lift Training FNQ.

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